As one of the sponsors of "Joint Lab of IoT Technology", Prof Giancarlo Fortino, from Calabria Univ., Italy, visited the School of Logistics Engineering, WUT, from May 13 to 19, 2014. He has communicated deeply with the professors and students of LOBOT.
Giancarlo systemly introduced their researches on body sensor networks and cloud services at SenSysCal of Calabria Univ., discussed the state of the art of body sensor networks and its clouds. We have also discussed the key technologies of Smart services and healthcare system orient to disabled human beings. the coopertive researches with the support of China-Italy project are also discussed.
With the support of academical cooperation, Both has also joint hold international conferences. In the past years, we have hold "Cooperative wirelless sensor networks" at the conference SMC each year. In 2014, we joint hold IDCS2014. Giancarlo invited Prof. Wenfeng Li visits Calabria Univ during the IDCS 2014. We will joint hold CSCWD2015 in 2015.
During his visit, Giancarlo presented a lecture titled "Autonomic computing-based Wireless Sensor Networks".Teachers and students of the schoold of Logistics Engineering and the school of Computers attend the presentation.
After the visits, Giancarlo went to attend the conference CSCWD2014 in Taiwan with the members of LOBOT.