Title: Optimal Estimation With Nonuniform Quantization and Bandwidth Allocation
Time: 15:00-17:00, Nov. 7, 2014
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are an invaluable resource for realizing the vision of the Internet of Things. This paper investigates the energy minimization problem for the joint estimation of a noise-corrupted parameter in WSNs, where the sensors send digital signals to a fusion center via orthogonal channels. In particular, each sensor chooses a quantization level, a modulation order, and a transmission bandwidth for its link to the fusion center with the goal to minimize the total energy consumption at the sensors. It is shown that this problem can be approximated as a convex optimization problem and an efficient iterative algorithm is proposed to compute the near-optimal solution. Simulation results are provided to validate the analysis.
CV of the Lecturer: Prof. Tao Jiang, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, is an outstanding youth scientist who won the National Outstanding Youth Fund and the first "the Youth Science Stars".
Prof. Jiang works on the theory and method of bandwidth wireless communication in order to promote the power efficiency and Spectral efficiency. He has already published more than 100 SCI papers, including over 80 IEEE journal papers. And his papers have been cited over 3000 times. He has published 2 scientific books, edited 2 books and coedited 4 books. He won a Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education and a Hubei Province Natural Science Award.
Prof Jiang is in the editor boards of many international scientific journals such as IEEE COMMUN SURV TUT、IEEE T VEH TECHNOL和IEEE Internet of
Thing. He is the chair of IEEE GLOBECOM2013 and IEEE WCNC