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热烈欢迎Jerker Delsing教授再次访问我实验室

发布时间:2012-04-04    字体:[增加 减小]  

瑞典卢黎亚理工大学Jerker Delsing教授将于12月6-10日访问我实验室,并就该大学嵌入式Internet实验室最新研究进展与成果发表专题演讲。这是Jerker Delsing教授继今年3月底以来再次访问我实验室。下为Jerker Delsing教授本次访问演讲相关内容。

Timber - a real time embedded system programing tool

A reactive programing approach to real time embedded system programming.

Basic ideas will be explored with a introduction to the Timber compiler and

the TinyTimber programing tools. A number of applications will be explored.

Sensor networks based on the Embedded Internet System plattform Mulle

Minimal size and low power sensor networking is explored. The HW and SW plattform

Mulle i discussed in detail. SW platform and programing tools are expored.

A number of applications will be demonstrated.

PEEC a circuit based tool for EM modeling and simulation

A brief introduction to EM modeling using PEEC, partial equivelent element circuit.

The LTU PEEC tool will be discussed, covering meshing, solver and post processing.

Problem size and computation times will be coverd as well.

Some examples will be given including antenna, railway and reactor problems.

Ultrasound transducers and sensing

Ultrasonic sensing will be explored. Different technologies for gas, liquid and slurry

flow  measurement will be discussed. Further ultrasound usage in paper pulp

measurement  will be covered. A circuit based modeling tool will be introduced

enabling  optimization of  electronics,transducers and  acoustic performance.

Finnally the Tumb size ultrasonicv  measurement system will be discussed.

Application areas where our technology are used are for example

- Automotive

- Process control and automation

- Power electronics

- Railway systems

- Embedded Internet System design