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发布时间:2016-06-03    字体:[增加 减小]  

答辩人:熊超然 硕士研究生









In recent yearsthe widespread use of the advanced technologies such as global positioning systemssensor network and mobile devicesresults in accumulation of a great amount of nonspatiotemporal data and spatiotemporal dataIn additionthe processing of spatiotemporal data is more complexwhich makes the increasing onerous situation of data processing tasks worse

Standard original spatial-temporal data is a series of time-stamped spatial information,which is generate form different regions, different equipment,different records,different ways ,has a great diversity. The diversity reflected in the spatial-temporal data is time and space interval between two recordings of differences, and these trajectories is generally referred to uncertainty trajectories.In fact,the uncertain of trajectories produced by the civil use is inherent,and must be considered as a basic part in spatial-temporal data models.

In addition to basic representation model based on trajectory graph,there are also models based on spatial grid and semantic. The former one has a wide application in spatio-temporal data analysis,but has some shortcoming in uncertain ones.This paper attempt to construct a novel modular approach.It has combined the adventages of gird and semantic models,and introduce the history data into the similarity measurment by the define of spatial-temporal silce. With respect to the space segmentation of the grid model, spatial-temporal silce is the segmentation of time. The biggest advantage of this method lies in its universality,nearly free of raw data preprocessing.On the other hand,it introduce the history data directly,without the ROI processing in semantic models. In order to verify the effectiveness of this methoda random trajectory generation algorithm based on network topology was designed to verify its robustness.In order to enhance the efficiency of the search algorithm,this paper build a searching algorithm based on R-tree. Experiments show that this algorithm can greatly improve the operational efficiency.

Finally,based on this algorithm,a system to measure uncertain trajectories' degree of matching is designed, tested by real data, the system shows good operating results.